DG for Parliamentary Democracy Partnerships 


Directorate-General for Parliamentary Democracy Partnerships  


Its main tasks are:

  • fostering cooperation and legislative dialogue with national parliaments by providing advice and expertise to political bodies, Members and administrative entities in Parliament. Among other functions, the DG provides support to inter-parliamentary activities and contributes to the implementation of relevant Treaty provisions;
  • coordinating the efforts made by Parliament liaison offices and representations outside of the European Union to support legislative and policy dialogue with external partners and to streamline actions aimed at promoting and upholding parliamentary democracy in Europe and beyond;
  • promoting EU values and facilitating exchanges through the organisation of visit programmes and follow-up activities for young political leaders and opinion-multipliers, predominantly from continental democracies.


  • Sanna  LEPOLA 

    • Director General
    SannaLEPOLA's picture    

Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments 


    • Director

Directorate for External Liaison Offices 

  • Oumar  DOUMBOUYA 

    • Director
    OumarDOUMBOUYA's picture    

Directorate for Resources 

  • Marie-Cécile  BERNARD 

    • Director
    Marie-CécileBERNARD's picture