DG for Parliamentary Research Services 


Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services  


The Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services provides Members with independent, objective and authoritative analysis of, and research on, policy issues relating to the European Union, in order to assist them in their parliamentary work.


The DG's four Directorates provide the following services to Members, parliamentary committees and the Institution as a whole: 

  • responding to specific requests from individual Members for information, analysis and research in the policy fields covered by the European Union;
  • providing briefing notes and other analysis and research for Members collectively on policies and issues in these fields;
  • contributing on-line content in these fields for use as appropriate on the Parliament's external/internal websites;
  • maintaining on-line and paper collections of key published material in these fields for access by Members and staff of the Parliament;
  • offering a wide range of on-site and online library services, including management of reading rooms and collections, access to and training in information databases, and provision of intranet and internet services for Members and the public;
  • responding to citizens’ enquiries;
  • providing a wide range of specific ex-ante and ex-post impact assessment services to parliamentary committees, together with assessment of the added value of future or current EU policies, and appraisal of policy options in the fields of science and technology.


  • Anders  RASMUSSEN 



    AndersRASMUSSEN's picture    

Directorate Members' Research Service 

  • Etienne  BASSOT 

    • Director
    EtienneBASSOT's picture    

Directorate for the Library and Knowledge Services 

  • Franck  DEBIE 

    • Director
    FranckDEBIE's picture    

Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value 

  • Wolfgang  HILLER 

    • Director
    WolfgangHILLER's picture    

Directorate for Resources 


    • Director
    JuttaSCHULZE-HOLLMEN's picture