DG for Budgetary Affairs
Directorate-General for Budgetary Affairs
The Directorate-General for Budgetary Affairs is responsible for organising the work of Parliament's committees in the field of budgetary policy and contributing to the exercise and development of the legislative, budgetary and scrutiny powers of Parliament.
The responsibilities of the Directorate-General for Budgetary Affairs are to:
- Ensure the smooth running of the legislative, budgetary and scrutiny activities of parliamentary committees in the field of budgetary affairs, primarily by providing secretariats for the Committees on Budgets and Budgetary Control, as well as organising and assisting in any joint committee activities, interparliamentary committee meetings, working parties and monitoring groups;
- Support committee members and, in particular, committee chairs and rapporteurs, in the exercise of their prerogatives; help committees and Members to fulfil their role throughout the legislative, budgetary and scrutiny cycle, in particular with regard to the annual budget and discharge procedures;
- Ensure coordinated and efficient preparation of Parliament’s position on the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2027, the related update of the Financial Regulation and interinstitutional agreements;
- Ensure good cooperation with the other policy DGs and other services on committee activities; develop good interinstitutional working relations with the services of the Commission, the Council and other institutions in budgetary matters, as well as with national parliaments’ budgetary and discharge authorities;
- Provide committees, other parliamentary bodies and Parliament's President with specialised advice, analysis and expertise on all aspects of budgetary policy, through technical and strategic analysis of budgetary data, briefings, studies and workshops.
Monika Strasser is the Director-General for Budgetary Affairs (DG BUDG) since January 2025 after many years in various budget-related positions in the European Parliament, most recently as Director in DG IPOL. She joined the European Parliament in 1995, after the accession of Austria, and spent the first years of her career in DG COMM as press officer in Luxembourg and as Deputy Head of the Information Office in Vienna. In 2003, she moved to the Secretariat of the Committee of Budgets in Brussels. As from then on, apart from two years as EP’s Head of Protocol, her career focussed on the area of the EU budget: she held several Head of Unit posts as well as the role of advisor to a Director-General in the budgetary field; she was adviser to the President of the European Parliament on MFF and budget from 2012 - 2014.
Resources Unit
Head of Unit
Directorate for Budget and Budgetary Control
Acting Director
Directorate for Budgetary Analysis and Scrutiny Support