Directorate-General for Cohesion, Agriculture and Social Policies 


Directorate-General for Cohesion, Agriculture and Social Policies  


The Directorate-General for Cohesion, Agriculture and Social Policies is responsible for supporting the work of parliamentary committees in the fields of cohesion policy, agriculture, rural development, fisheries, transport, tourism, employment, social affairs and housing.


Its main tasks are: 

  • Providing the secretariat for five standing committees and one special committee to ensure the smooth running of legislative and non-legislative activities;
  • Supporting committees in fulfilling their mandate throughout the legislative cycle from agenda-setting and pre-legislative consultations to adopting new or amending legislation and scrutinising its implementation;
  • Assisting committee members, particularly the committee Chairs and rapporteurs, in the exercise of their duties;
  • Providing high-level independent policy expertise, research and advice at the request of committees and other parliamentary bodies (delegations, President, Bureau, Secretary-General);
  • Helping the committees in cooperating with the other institutions, such as the European Commission and Council;
  • Promoting and implementing all activities related to better law-making in Parliament.


  • Agnieszka  WALTER-DROP 

    • Director-General
    • Agnieszka Walter-Drop is the Director-General for Cohesion, Agriculture and Social Policies (DG CASP) since January 2025. Previously, she was the Director-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (DG LINC) between 2015 and 2025 and the Director for Committees in DG External Policies (DG EXPO) between 2011 and 2015.

      Before devoting her career to the European Institutions, Ms Walter-Drop worked in the Polish Foreign Affairs service, amongst others as Deputy Chief of the Polish Mission in Berlin. She also served as chief of staff for Mr. Jan KuĊ‚akowski, the Chief Negotiator of the Poland’s accession to the EU in 2002-2003.

      A graduate of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Agnieszka Walter-Drop holds a degree in Polish philology, philosophy and theatre sciences. She is a strong advocate of participatory and gender-neutral management practices and is committed to fostering an inclusive work environment.

    AgnieszkaWALTER-DROP's picture    

Directorate for Regional Development, Agriculture and Fisheries 

  • Eduard  REIJNDERS 

    • Director
    EduardREIJNDERS's picture    

Directorate for Transport, Employment and Social Affairs 

  • Klaus  BAIER 

    • Director
    KlausBAIER's picture    

Resources Unit 

  • Hanna-Liisa  GLASER 

    • Head of Unit
    Hanna-LiisaGLASER's picture