DG for the Presidency 


Directorate-General for the Presidency  


The Directorate-General for the Presidency is at the heart of Parliament’s activities and has a crucial role to play from the time when a procedure is launched in Parliament and until its conclusion. In addition, it carries out a number of functions on behalf of the President.


The Directorate-General is mainly responsible for: 

  • work associated with Parliament's political activities involving the organisation of, and the follow-up to the plenary sittings, receipt and referral of legislative proposals and other documents, Members' activities, tabling desk, plenary records and Members' administration, through the work of the Directorate for the Plenary; Plenary Records and Members' administration, trough the work of the Directorate for the Plenary;
  • assisting Members with the drafting of legislative texts and amendments and, under the responsibility of the President, carrying out the legal-linguistic finalisation of acts, through the work of the Directorate for Legislative Acts;
  • interinstitutional relations, legislative coordination (planning of the Plenary) and transparency (public access to documents and Transparency Register);
  • other essential aspects of running a large organisation, such as: protocol; strategy and innovation issues; human, financial and IT resources; internal communication; document management (official mail, classified information, archives, etc.).


  • Markus  WINKLER 

    • 10 July 1969, D-Mannheim
    • Education:


      January 1995 - October 1996:
      Master of Arts, Political Science, German Philology


      September 1990 - April 1992:
      University of Mannheim, Germany



      Professional experience:


      October 1996 - January 2003:
      Parliamentary Assistant to Martin Schulz, MEP


      February 2003 - June 2004:
      Official, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Security, Bonn


      July 2004 - February 2011:
      Head of the Leader's Office, S&D Group in the European Parliament


      March 2011 - January 2012:
      Director for Relations with the Political Groups, European Parliament


      January 2012 - March 2014:
      Head of President's Cabinet, European Parliament (first mandate of Martin Schulz)


      April 2014 - July 2014:
      Director-General, DG Presidency, European Parliament


      July 2014 - August 2016:
      Head of President's Cabinet, European Parliament (second mandate of Martin Schulz)


      September 2016 -
      Director-General, DG Presidency, European Parliament


      Novembre 2016 -
      Deputy Secretary-General, European Parliament

    MarkusWINKLER's picture    

Directorate for the Plenary 

Directorate for Legislative Acts 

  • Alina Monica  MEDELEANU 

    • Director
    Alina MonicaMEDELEANU's picture    

Directorate for Interinstitutional Affairs and Legislative Coordination 

  • Guillaume Edward   MCLAUGHLIN 

    • Director
    Guillaume Edward MCLAUGHLIN's picture    

Directorate for Ressources 

  • Josep Maria  RIBOT IGUALADA 

    • Director
    Josep MariaRIBOT IGUALADA's picture    

Directorate for Protocol 


    • Director
    CarmenCASTILLO DEL CARPIO's picture    

Directorate for Document Management and Digital Workflows Development 

  • Stephan  Huber 

    • Acting Director
    StephanHuber's picture