DG for Internal Policies of the Union 


Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union  


The Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union is responsible for organising the work of Parliament's committees in the field of internal policies and contributing to the exercise and development of the legislative and control powers of the European Parliament.


Its main tasks are:  

  • ensuring the smooth running of the legislative and non-legislative activities of parliamentary committees in the field of internal policies, primarily by providing secretariats for 17 standing committees, one subcommittee, and three temporary committees;
  • coordinating Parliament's legislative activities, mainly through the Conference of Committee Chairs;
  • supporting committee members, particularly the committee Chairs and rapporteurs, in the exercise of their duties;
  • providing the committees, other parliamentary bodies and the President's Office with briefings, background notes and long-term studies on all aspects of Parliament's activities in the field of internal policies;
  • helping the committees to develop their work programmes in close cooperation with the Commission and Council;
  • promoting and coordinating all activities relating to better law-making in Parliament.


  • Christian  MANGOLD 

    • Director-General
    • Christian Mangold is the Director-General for Internal Policies of the Union (DG IPOL) since 01.01.2023. Previously, he was Director for Campaigns of DG Communication from 2019-2022, and before that, he headed the private office of the Secretary-General of the European Parliament and the central services from 2012-2019. He had previously worked as team leader for both policy and resources in the cabinet. His other roles in the Parliament were in the secretariats of the Conference of Presidents, the Bureau and the Quaestors and DG IPOL’s Legislative Coordination Unit. He first joined the Parliament as a political group adviser after working as a parliamentary assistant and in the private sector. His academic background is in International Management and International Relations.


    ChristianMANGOLD's picture    

Directorate for Economic and Scientific Policies 

  • Karl Peter  REPPLINGER 

    • Director
    Karl PeterREPPLINGER's picture    

Directorate for Structural and Cohesion Policies 

  • Sabina  MAGNANO 

    • Director
    SabinaMAGNANO's picture    

Directorate for Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs 

  • Michael Alexander  SPEISER 

    • Director
    Michael AlexanderSPEISER's picture    

Directorate for Budgetary Affairs 

  • Monika  STRASSER 

    • Director
    MonikaSTRASSER's picture    

Directorate for Legislative and Committee Coordination 

  • Klaus  BAIER 

    • Director
    KlausBAIER's picture    

Directorate for Resources 

  • Patricia  SILVEIRA DA CUNHA 

    • Director
    PatriciaSILVEIRA DA CUNHA's picture