Deputy Secretary-General Markus Winkler  


Deputy Secretary-General Markus Winkler  


Main responsibilities 

  • Coordinate and plan legislative activities in order to carry out Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union regarding the multiannual programming through interinstitutional agreements
  • Prepare the preliminary draft agendas for plenary sessions and chair among others the interinstitutional coordination group
  • Look after the Parliament’s relations with other institutions (Commission, Council, European Council)
  • Develop the Parliament’s policies in all areas related to classified information
  • Assist the President and the Parliament’s governing bodies
  • Assist and support the Secretary-General with central tasks, replace when absent, and manage specific tasks upon request

The Deputy Secretary-General also serves as Director-General of the Directorate-General for the Presidency (PRES).



  • Markus  WINKLER 

    • 10 July 1969, D-Mannheim
    • Education:


      January 1995 - October 1996:
      Master of Arts, Political Science, German Philology


      September 1990 - April 1992:
      University of Mannheim, Germany



      Professional experience:


      October 1996 - January 2003:
      Parliamentary Assistant to Martin Schulz, MEP


      February 2003 - June 2004:
      Official, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Security, Bonn


      July 2004 - February 2011:
      Head of the Leader's Office, S&D Group in the European Parliament


      March 2011 - January 2012:
      Director for Relations with the Political Groups, European Parliament


      January 2012 - March 2014:
      Head of President's Cabinet, European Parliament (first mandate of Martin Schulz)


      April 2014 - July 2014:
      Director-General, DG Presidency, European Parliament


      July 2014 - August 2016:
      Head of President's Cabinet, European Parliament (second mandate of Martin Schulz)


      September 2016 -
      Director-General, DG Presidency, European Parliament


      Novembre 2016 -
      Deputy Secretary-General, European Parliament

    MarkusWINKLER's picture